There are several reasons why one devotes their time to volunteering. Volunteering is about giving. It is also contributing, and helping other individuals and communities. It is working with others to make a meaningful contribution to a better community. People volunteer for a variety of reasons. Some gain experience, meet new peole, while others expand their network of contacts. However, I personally just want to give back, to help, and to support a wothwhile activity. We are just ordinary people trying to do extraordinary things.
KPV strives to support the handicapped by providing them with means of employment and sustenance. Supporting them with education and helping them make their future bright. We support schools and institutions that are geared towards the handicapped.
Online Giving PaypalKPV’s mission is to provide funding and resources to impoverished people in India and the US and to support education. We do this in two ways: 1) To individuals in need, and 2) to established schools and colleges for the enhancement, expansion and augmentation of programs.
Online Giving PaypalHealth care is a critical issue and the poor have scarce resources to turn to. KPV works to offer basic healthcare to those who cannot afford it. We are a bridge between those in need of medical care and institutions that provide for people in need. We offer supplies and financial support to institutions who bring healthcare to the poor.
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